We believe that beautiful mind inspires others.
That’s why we are mindful about associating with people who have the innate ability, merely by being present, of inspiring young people… the uncountable underprivileged children and youth of our country…. to challenge themselves to grow to their utmost and to lead better lives. In line with this, our programme is to motivate, inspire and support these children in association with these likeminded, good people. We sincerely thank those who have stretched their hands and hearts out to helped us in our mission. These fellow-travelers and well-wishers have helped us unconditionally, sometimes through verbal guidance, sometimes through actions on the field, and sometimes through silent solidarity and we are grateful to them from the bottom of our hearts.

Mr. Yashwant Kadam

Dr. Yasmeen Shaikh

Mrs. Abhiniti Chaube

Mr. Dilip Dhanawade

Mrs. Archana Bansode

Mr. Arif Ahmed

Mrs. Jyotimary Shivan

Mr. Gawari S.S

Mrs. Tabassum Momin

Mr. Krishna Shukla

Mr. Yashwant Raghao Vatas

Dr. Jitendra Aherkar

Mr. Milind Shinde

Mr. Shahu Shirke

Mr. Pratik Gunje

Mrs. Nausheen Shoaib Shaikh

Mr. Sandeep Samant

Mr. Vilas Bhanga Banjara

Mr. Sidharth Bhujbal

Mrs. Shaikh Aafiya Farhat Nasir

Mr. Sujit Jagtap

Mrs. Zeenat Khan

Mrs. Ansari Sahiba Khanam Sajid Ahmed

Mr. Sanjay Umasare

Mrs. Nilofar Shaikh

Mr. Raju Kurup

Mr. Erik Nicolas

Mr. Amit Sakpal

Mr. Muttu kumar Subramani

Mr. Janardan Dhadve

Mr. Om Prakash Yadav

Mr. Rohit Jadhav

Mr. Kiran More

Mr. Vishal A Shinge

Mr. Sunny N Alkunte

Mr. Dayanand Irkal

Mr. Deepak Date

Mr. Sunil Mhaskar

Mr. Sunil C Jagtap

Mrs. Sanchita Dhanavade

Mr Javed Shaikh

Mr Nilesh Rajaram Tambat

Mr. Sageer Aahmed Inamullah Shaikh

Mr. Ahmad Khan

Mr. Shahji Ingale

Mr. Imaran Shaikh

Mr Sanjay Vardhmane

Mr. Jagdish Gavete

Mrs. Asha R Sarai

Mr. Mahadev Chavan

Mr. Rafiq Shaikh

Mr. Mangesh Gaikwad

Mrs. Sunaina Mangesh Gaikwad